How to display the Attribute in Shopify email notification
This code is for multiple attribute display in a email template. You can customize this according your need. In this I have few fields like message, date, name. So I am checking the message is not empty. Same you can do for other fields as well.
{% assign count_start =1 %}
{% assign comment_title_check= line.product.handle | replace: “`”, ‘ ‘ | replace: ‘-‘, ‘ ‘ | replace: ‘_’, ‘ ‘ | capitalize %}
{% for attribute in attributes %}
{% assign comment_check= attribute | first | replace: ‘-‘, ‘ ‘ | replace: ‘_’, ‘ ‘ | capitalize %}
//checking the field by name
{% assign comment_title_checked=comment_title_check | append: ‘ message’ %}
{% if comment_check contains comment_title_checked %}
{% assign msg=attribute | last %}
{% if msg == blank %}
<b>Order Message </b>: No message was added and flowers will be delivered anonymously. If you wish to add message please e-mail us immediately at,
{% else %}
<b>Order Message</b> : {{ attribute | last }},
{% endif %}
{% assign count_start=count_start | plus: 1 %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
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